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cM API Documentation

module Namespace Reference


class  ThreadedHTTPServer
class  server_handler


def init
def explore
def select
def prepare_tuning_dimension_for_web
def prepare_choices
def change_work_dir
def get_env
def run
def prepare_env_for_all_codes
def prepare_env_vars
def set_env
def install
def prepare_script
def prepare_sub_script
def prepare_cmd
def native_run
def build
def web_build
def check_features
def default
def help
def info
def print_help
def gen_uid
def register_func
def unregister_func
def find_path_to_data
def load_data
def copy_data
def rename_data
def add_data
def update_data
def view_data
def delete_data
def list_data
def find_cid
def repair
def search
def find_key_value_in_array
def convert_str_to_sha1
def configure
def web_configure
def temporaly_allow_writing_in_kernel
def restore_writing_in_kernel
def gen_cm_tmp_file
def get_info_about_current_path
def get_info_about_full_hosts
def load_default_kernel_data
def update_default_kernel_data
def get_list_of_all_files
def convert_file_to_upload_string
def convert_flags_from_ccc
def prepare_flags
def compile_program
def prepare_environment
def prune
def process
def run_stat
def update_input_from_state_ll
def web_run
def web_explore
def find_aggregated_entry
def prepare_summary_point
def web_view
def reproduce
def show_legend
def mobile_node_prepare
def predict_opts
def run_stat_cmd
def output_known_characteristics
def filter_special_str
def record
def analyze_variation
def compare_systems
def get_stats_for_benchmarks
def scenario
def prepare_input_params
def web_view_header
def web_view_data
def cmd_prune_flags
def view_ctuning_space
def calculate_similarity
def visualize
def visualize_selection
def convert_ct_space_points_to_python_array
def convert_python_array_to_gws_array
def convert_python_array_to_csv
def gws_2d_column_chart
def gws_2d_scatter_chart
def mpl_1d_density_graph
def mpl_2d_scatter_chart
def mpl_2d_column_chart
def finish_python_graph
def convert_text_axes_to_float
def convert_points_to_flat_csv
def convert_ct_multi_array_to_csv
def mpl2_2d_warm_graph_a
def mpl2_2d_warm_graph
def mpl2_2d_scatter_chart_a
def mpl_get_available_fonts
def mpl2_2d_scatter_chart
def create
def generate
def server
def flush
def test
def all
def index
def index_seq
def clean
def gen_docs
def gen_stats
def view_stats
def predict
def fit
def detect_representative_points
def analyze
def visualize_connections
def detect_host_family
def web_install
def installed
def find_path_to_repository
def test_repository
def get_all_repo_paths
def prepare_path
def share
def download
def web_copy
def copy
def detect
def web_detect
def get_state
def set_cpu_frequency
def any
def functionality
def find_data_without_access_control
def browse
def welcome
def view_data_through_web
def list_files_through_web
def delete_data_through_web
def add_data_through_web
def visualize_data
def convert_field_to_html
def create_button_back
def create_button
def scenarios
def process_web_request
def prepare_content_header
def show
def show_html
def logout
def login
def preprocess_web_request
def postprocess_web_request
def separate_common_from_data
def detect_form_params


dictionary ini = {}
 cm_kernel = None
 recorded = True
 save_only_best_results_in_repo Record in repository
tuple diter = int(space.get('number_of_explored_points','0'))
dictionary jj
tuple jj_copy = copy.deepcopy(jj)
tuple r = cm_kernel.access(jj)
list su = cm_kernel.ini['dcfg']
string lock_uid = ''
dictionary d = {}
dictionary ii = {}
tuple ii_copy = copy.deepcopy(ii)
dictionary rr = {'cm_return':0}
list init = state[pu['init']]
list ip = state[pu['init_params']]
list rp = state[pu['run_program']]
list pd = state[pu['prepare_dataset']]
string cm_menu_login = 'login'
string cm_menu_logout = 'logout'
string cm_action_index = 'index'
string cm_action_show = 'show'
string cm_data_uoa_default = 'default'
string view_and_sort = 'cm_display_html'
string form6 = '#form6'

Function Documentation

def module::add_data (   i  ) 
Add data

Input:  {
          cm_module_uoa             - module UOA
          cm_data_uoa               - data UOA 
          (cm_data_uid)             - force data UID (if UOA is alias)
          (cm_repo_uoa)             - repo UOA
          (use_default_repo)        - if 'yes', use default repo
          (cm_console)              - by default, do not output anything except errors
                                       if 'txt' then output as plain text
                                       if 'web' then output for web (html, image, etc)
                                       if 'json' then output as json

          (cm_file_upload)          - text content of file for upload
          (cm_file_upload_base64)   - file content as base64.urlsafe_b64encode

          (cm_file_upload_name)     - preffered uploaded file name 
          (cm_file_upload_type)     - type of file (if .zip, it will be automatically unziped)
          (cm_archive)              - 'none'
                                      'already_archived_with_internal_name' - should save file 
                                        under default cM name (cm_archive.zip)
                                      'already_archived_with_user_name' - should save file under user name

          (cm_file_upload_tmp_uid)  - normally generated automatically by web server
                                      when uploading files

          cm_array                  - use ONLY this array to add data
          (cm_admin)                - if 'yes', override access control - only internal use,
                                      can not be used during web access (explicitly removed)

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
                                   -1 if entry exists
          cm_path    - path to created data entry
          cm_uid     - uid (from UOA)
          cm_alias   - alias (from UOA)
          cm_uoa     - alias or uid if alias==''
Add module

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          cm_path    - path to created data entry
Add repository

Input:  {
          (path)        - path to create repository (otherwise current) or URL
          path_type     - absolute, relative_to_cm, remote_url
          (cm_repo_uoa) - repo UOA where to create entry
          (cm_array)    - additional description
          (repo_alias)  - alias on the disk
          (repo_name)   - user friendly name (when listing repositories)
          (repo_uid)    - set UID for the repository - useful 
                          when creating personal user repository in shared environments ...

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          cm_path    - path to created data entry
          ...        - other paramaters from core add_data function
Add user (and public person profile)

Input:  {
          cm_username             - username (UOA)
          cm_user_password        - user password
          cm_user_password_repeat - repeat user password for checking
          name                    - user real name (will be used as alias)

          (cm_array)              - Note, that if cm_array is present, 
                                    all above parameters should be inside it

          (cm_repo_uoa)           - repo UOA where to create user entry

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          cm_path    - path to created data entry
          ...        - other paramaters from core add_data function

Definition at line 26 of file module.py.

def module::add_data_through_web (   i  ) 
Add/update data through web form

Input:  {
          browse_module_uoa   - module UOA
          browse_data_uoa     - data UOA 
          (browse_repo_uoa)   - repo UOA
          (cm_back_json)      - for back button
          (cm_only_note_like) - if 'yes', update only note and ranking
          cm_mode             - 'add' or 'update' to reuse the same function
          cm_array            - data array


Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
                                   -1 if entry exists

            If entry was created (not first web form), then:

          cm_path    - path to created data entry
          cm_uid     - uid (from UOA)
          cm_alias   - alias (from UOA)

Definition at line 1314 of file module.py.

def module::all (   i  ) 
ReIndex all repos

Input:  {
          (index_repo_uoa)   - repo uoa to prune reindexing
          (index_module_uoa) - module uoa to prune reindexing
          (index_data_uoa)   - data uoa to prune reindexing (can include pattern * and ?)
          (delay)            - delay after indexing individual entry
          (sequential)       - if 'yes' perform sequential index (very slow, but reports errors)

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
Test all

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 23 of file module.py.

def module::analyze (   i  ) 

Input:  {
          model_name                   - (earth, svm)
          (record_data_to_file_prefix) - if !='', use this filename prefix instead of randomly generated

Output: {
          cm_return        - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 24 of file module.py.

def module::analyze_variation (   i  ) 
Analyze variation in characteristics

Input:  {
          (data)                           - list of data entries to analyze
          (prune_by_summary_point_relaxed) - if data is not provided, search will be performed for all entries;
                                             returned entries can be pruned by this dictionary 
                                             using 'summary_point_relaxed' in entries
          characteristic_key               - key to get characteristic (will be converted to float)
          percent_threshold                - percent threshold to detect benchmarks where characteristic has high variability 
          (cm_repo_uoa)                    - working repository

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success

Definition at line 241 of file module.py.

def module::any (   i  ) 
Test some funcionality before moving to a proper test

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 100 of file module.py.

def module::browse (   i  ) 
cM basic repository browsing

Input:  {
          (browse_module_uoa)           - module UOA
          (browse_data_uoa)             - data UOA 
          (browse_repo_uoa)             - repo UOA

          (cm_subaction_delete)         - delete entry
          (cm_subaction_repo_delete)    - delete repository

          (cm_subaction_view)           - view entry
            (show_add_info)             - additional view config (show additional info about entry)
            (show_param_names)          - additional view config (show parameter names (for development))
          (cm_subaction_module_view)    - view module
          (cm_subaction_repo_view)      - view repository
          (cm_subaction_update)         - update entry
          (cm_subaction_repo_update)    - update repository

          (cm_subaction_add)            - add entry
          (cm_subaction_module_add)     - add module
          (cm_subaction_repo_add)       - add repository

          (cm_button_reset)             - reset current view

          (cm_back_json)                - previous web state to create 'back' button

Output: {
          cm_return - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 338 of file module.py.

def module::build (   i  ) 
Build program

Input:  {
          See code.run (all parameters will be passed to code.run)

          (work_dir_repo_uoa)             - change to the working directory in the repository (repo UOA)
          (work_dir_module_uoa)           - change to the working directory in the repository (module UOA)
          (work_dir_data_uoa)             - change to the working directory in the repository (data UOA)

          build_target_os_uoa             - target OS uoa for building

          If the above parameters are set, the following parameters will be added to run_set_env2 from the given cM entry:
            CM_SOURCE_FILES_WITHOUT_EXT="source_files" (extension will be removed)

          (target_file)                   - output file after building
          (add_target_extension)          - take extension from run_target_os_uoa
          (include_deps)                  - add 'include' directory from this list
          (include_prefix)                - add prefix before include directory (usually -I or /I) 
          (compiler_vars)                 - add compiler vars
          (compiler_var_prefix)           - add compiler var prefix (usually -D or /D)
          (lib_deps)                      - add libraries from this list (use CM_TARGET_FILE)

          (compilation_type)              - 'static' (by default) or 'dynamic'

          (install)                       - if 'yes', install to cM entry
          (install_data_uid)              - if !='', it will be used for installation data entry
          (install_data_alias)            - if !='', use it for installation data entry
          (install_data_display_as_alias) - use this display as alias for a generated entry
          (install_module_uoa)            - if =='', module 'code' is used
          (install_repo_uoa)              - repo for installation entry

          (source_files)                  - list of source files; if empty, use list of source files from the program entry

          (add_rem_to_script)             - add rem to install script
          (add_to_code_entry)             - add array to code entry

          (ignore_script_error)           - if 'yes', do not generate error when script returns !=0
                                            (needed for experiment pipelines to continue running)

          (cm_dependencies)               - dependencies that set all other dependencies (code/include/lib).
                                            Format [{"class UOA":"code UOA"},{},...]

          (skip_target_file_check)        - if 'yes', skip target file check

          (run_cmd_out1)                  - pass to 'code run' to redirect output1
          (run_cmd_out2)                  - pass to 'code run' to redirect output2

          (clean_program)                 - if 'yes', clean program before
          (clean_program_script_name)     - script name for cleaning ...

          (code_deps)                     - list with code UOA for dependencies [{"index":"uoa"} ...]

          (run_set_env2)                  - array with environment variables to be set before compiling
          (cm_verbose)                    - if 'yes', print all info

Output: {
          cm_return = 0, if successful

          Parameters from "code run" when executing script

          target_file      - output file after building
          target_file_size - size of output file
Build model

Input:  {
          model_module_uoa             - model's module
          (model_data_uoa)             - model's data (if need to record)
          model_name                   - (earth, svm)
          (record_data_to_file_prefix) - if !='', use this filename prefix instead of randomly generated

Output: {
          cm_return        - return code >0 if error

Build model

Input:  {
          model_name                   - (earth, svm)
          (record_data_to_file_prefix) - if !='', use this filename prefix instead of randomly generated

Output: {
          cm_return       - return code >0 if error
          file_with_model - file with model

Definition at line 24 of file module.py.

def module::calculate_similarity (   i  ) 
Calculate similarity 
  FGG: for now simple euclidean distance - it's just a demo of the concept, 
       since it has many limitations so we need to collaboratively extend it
       (using PCA, SVM, etc)

Input:  {
           program1_milepost_features - MILEPOST features for program one
           program2_milepost_features - MILEPOST features for program two

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success
          distance    - Euclidean distance (can be more than 1)

Definition at line 561 of file module.py.

def module::change_work_dir (   i  ) 
Chaning working directory

Input:  {
          (work_dir)                 - change to this working directory before running code
          (work_dir_repo_uoa)        - change to the working directory in the repository (repo UOA)
          (work_dir_module_uoa)      - change to the working directory in the repository (module UOA)
          (work_dir_data_uoa)        - change to the working directory in the repository (data UOA)

Output: {
          cm_return                 - if =0, success
          work_dir                  - selected working directory 
Chaning working directory

Input:  {
          work_dir                  - if !='', go to this directory
          (work_dir_repo_uoa)       - if !='', go to the directory for this cM entry
          (work_dir_module_uoa)     - if !='', go to the directory for this cM entry
          (source_code_uoa)         - if !='', go to the directory for this cM entry

Output: {
          cm_return                 - if =0, success
          work_dir                  - selected working directory 

Definition at line 27 of file module.py.

def module::check_features (   i  ) 

Definition at line 22 of file module.py.

def module::clean (   i  ) 

Input:  {
          (index_repo_uoa) -   Repository UOA to clean indexes
          (index_module_uoa) - Module UOA to clean indexes
          (index_data_Uoa) -   Data UOA to clean indexes

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
Clean repository 

Input:  {
          target_repo_uoa     - target repo UOA
          (target_module_uoa) - clean data for this module
          (cm_classes_uoa)    - prune data by classes
          (target_data_uoa)   - data to clean

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          cm_path    - path to file
          cm_uid     - generated uid

Definition at line 1027 of file module.py.

def module::cmd_prune_flags (   i  ) 
Prune flags from CMD

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return          - if =0, success

Definition at line 1221 of file module.py.

def module::compare_systems (   i  ) 
Compare systems through benchmarking

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success

Definition at line 313 of file module.py.

def module::compile_program (   i  ) 
Compile program

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return       - if =0, success

Definition at line 248 of file module.py.

def module::configure (   i  ) 
Configure default params

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return       - return code >0 if not authentificated

Definition at line 2250 of file module.py.

def module::convert_ct_multi_array_to_csv (   i  ) 
Convert cTuning multi-dimensional array to csv

Input:  {
          cm_multi_array_s   - array of strings to convert
          ct_dimensions      - list of dimensions to add
          ct_dim_desc        - dimension description (categorical/continuous, etc)
          ct_output_file     - output csv file
          (csv_separator)    - separator for data in csv (';' by default)
          (csv_decimal_mark) - decimal char (default ',')
          (csv_no_header)    - if 'yes', do not add header

Output: {
          cm_return        - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 2367 of file module.py.

def module::convert_ct_space_points_to_python_array (   i  ) 
Convert cTuning space points to python array

Input:  {
          ct_module_uoa                    - module to visualize
          ct_points                        - list of UOA with points
          ct_axes                          - list with flattened axes (if empty, all axes are taken)
          ct_axes_desc                     - axes description
          (use_multiple_graphs)            - if 'on' separate entries into different sub-graphs
          (data_entry_to_sort)             - if sort and multiple entries, use this entry number to sort (-1)
          (fix_additional_dimensions)      - if 'yes', fix or range additional dimensions
          (fix_additional_dimensions_data) - dictionary of format:
                                               {"flattened key A":{'less':X, 'equal':Y, 'more':Z}, ...}

Output: {
          cm_return    - return code >0 if error
          ct_array     - multidimensional array ([ [],[],...])
          ct_array_id  - 1D array with {cm_uid, cm_uoa}
          ct_axes      - either original one or ALL axes if original len==0

Definition at line 842 of file module.py.

def module::convert_field_to_html (   i  ) 
Convert cM data field to html

Input:  {
          cm_separator            - appendable separator to deal with json hierarchy
          cm_separator_form       - appendable separator to deal with array hierarchy (and with additional forms)
          cm_key                  - array key
          cm_value                - array value
          cm_data_desc            - data description in special cM format
          cm_mode                 - add | update
          (cm_back_json)          - array with previous cM state
          (cm_array_orig)         - original array (not changing through the calls)
          (cm_cur_array)          - current array to change if needed
          (cm_cur_key)            - current key to change array if needed
          (cm_form_explore)       - form explore parameters
          (cm_explore)            - if 'yes', prepare exploration choices
          (cm_form_explore_color) - prefix for style
          (cm_explore_commands)   - array with exploration commands
          (cm_explore_state)      - {} array with choices and exploration state
          (cm_explore_level)      - exploration level ('' - coarse-grain, '1' - next level, ...)
          (hide_add_new_object)   - if 'yes', do not show 'add new object'
          (cm_disable_coloring)   - if 'yes', disable coloring of dimensions, characteristics, properties, state, etc
          (cm_admin)              - if 'yes', override access control - only internal use,
                                    can not be used during web access (explicitly removed)

Output: {
          cm_return               - return code >0 if error
          cm_value_html           - prepared html
          cm_value_text           - text (in URL, etc)

Definition at line 2407 of file module.py.

def module::convert_file_to_upload_string (   i  ) 
Convert file to upload string

Input:  {
          cm_full_filename - file name to convert

Output: {
          cm_return            - return code =0 if successful
                                             >0 if error
          cm_file_upload_base64 - string that can be used to upload file

Definition at line 3578 of file module.py.

def module::convert_flags_from_ccc (   i  ) 
Convert flags from CCC framework

Input:  {
          cm_filename            - CCC compiler configuration file
          (add_base_opt_upfront) - if 'yes', add base opts upfront (such as -O3, -O2, etc).
                                   One should edit final config!

          (create_cm_entry)      - if 'yes' add to cM
          (repo_uoa)             - repository to create entry
          (data_uoa)             - data uoa to create entry

Definition at line 23 of file module.py.

def module::convert_points_to_flat_csv (   i  ) 
Convert points into flat CSV (possibility to choose dimensions).
Needed for machine learning and data mining.

Input:  {
          ct_data_uoa                    - Entry with points
          (ct_data_selection)            - Multiple entries if needed
          (ct_data_selection_from_files) - Multiple entries from json files prepared by this function
          (ct_module_uoa)                - Specify module from scenarios 
                                           (otherwise ctuning.space by default)
          (use_multiple_graphs)          - if 'on' spread data from ct_data_selection into different dimensions
          (ct_dimensions)                - List of dimensions to add
          (ct_repo_uoa)                  - Repository
          (ct_output_file_s_json)        - output json file (values as strings)
          (ct_output_file_json)          - output json file (real values)
          (ct_output_file_csv)           - output csv file
          (csv_separator)                - separator for data in csv (';' by default)
          (csv_decimal_mark)             - decimal char (default ',')

Output: {
          cm_return        - return code >0 if error
          ct_multi_array_s - list of dictionaries per multi-graph of format 'flat_dimension1':['value1', 'value2', ...],
          ct_multi_array   - list of dictionaries per multi-graph of format 'flat_dimension1':[value1, value2, ...],
                                     where all values are based on cM dimensions description in a note
          ct_dim_desc      - dictionary of format {'flat_dimension': cM dimension description (categorical/continuous/etc)

Note:   cM dimensions description = {
                                      type           - "text", "integer", "uoa", "float", etc
                                      data_desc      - textual description of dimension
                                      has_choice     - if 'yes', this dimension is categorical
                                      choice"        - [list of choices]

                                      explore_start  - if !='', dimension is continuous; min  value
                                      explore_stop   -                                   max  value
                                      explore_step   -                                   step
                                      explore_prefix - add prefix before dimension 
                                                       (useful for compiler flags with conintuous parameters)        


Definition at line 2110 of file module.py.

def module::convert_python_array_to_csv (   i  ) 
Convert python array to csv

Input:  {
          ct_array       - ct python array
          ct_axes        - axes
          (ct_axes_desc) - axes description
          (cm_separator) - default ';'

Output: {
          cm_return   - return code >0 if error
          cm_string   - csv string

Definition at line 1219 of file module.py.

def module::convert_python_array_to_gws_array (   i  ) 
Convert python array to Google Web Services array

Input:  {
          ct_array                     - collective tuning array
          ct_array_id                  - array with space data points UIDs
          ct_axes                      - axes
          ct_axes_desc                 - axes description
          ct_axes_type                 - needed types for Google graph
          (convert_text_axes_to_float) - convert text axes to consequitive floats

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          s_array    - GWS array 
          s_array_id - GWS array ID (to process clicks)

Definition at line 1052 of file module.py.

def module::convert_str_to_sha1 (   i  ) 
Convert string to sha1

Input:  {
          cm_string       - string
          (cm_console)    - by default, do not output anything except errors
                            if 'txt' then output as plain text
                            if 'web' then output for web (html, image, etc)
                            if 'json' then output as json

Output: {
          cm_return             - return code >0 if not authentificated
          cm_string_sha1        - password in SHA1 (digest) (only if console is not json, otherwise doens't work)
          cm_string_sha1_hex    - password in SHA1 (digest in hex)
          cm_string_sha1_base64 - BASE64 (SHA1 digest) - compatible with htpasswd format

Definition at line 2213 of file module.py.

def module::convert_text_axes_to_float (   i  ) 
Finish python graph and save to file

Input:  {
          ct_array     - collective tuning array
          ct_axes      - axes
          ct_axes_desc - axes description
          (num_axes)   - number of axes to process (to allow to convert only X sometimes)

Output: {
          cm_return     - return code >0 if error
          ct_array      - updated ct array
          unique        - if converted from string to number, unique values
          unique_string - if converted from string to number, unique values converted to string

Definition at line 2055 of file module.py.

def module::copy (   i  ) 
Copy repository to another one (and clean target if needed)

Input:  {
          orig_repo_uoa       - original repository
          (orig_module_uoa)   - copy data for this module
          (cm_classes_uoa)    - prune data by classes

          target_repo_uoa     - target repository
          (clean_target_repo) - force cleaning of target repo

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          cm_path    - path to file
          cm_uid     - generated uid

Definition at line 954 of file module.py.

def module::copy_data (   i  ) 
Copy data entry

Input:  {
          (orig_repo_uoa)    - repo UOA of original data
          orig_module_uoa    - module of the data to copy
          orig_data_uoa      - original data UOA  
          (target_repo_uoa)  - target repo where to copy data 
                               (if =='', repo of the original data is used)
          (target_data_uoa)  - target data UOA

          (target_data_uid)  - target data UID (if not set, original is used)
          (remove_alias)     - if 'yes', remove alias
          (generate_new_uid) - if 'yes', generate new target UID
          (overwrite)        - if 'yes' and target exists, overwrite
          (move)             - if 'yes', delete original after copy
          (cm_array_update)  - update data of created entry
Output: {
          cm_return            - return code = 0, if successful

Definition at line 488 of file module.py.

def module::create (   i  ) 
Create dataset
(for now only for polybench)

Input:  {
          dataset_type     - 'polybench'
          dataset_repo_uoa - repo where to create entries

Output: {
          cm_return                        - if =0, success

Definition at line 25 of file module.py.

def module::create_button (   i  ) 
Create generic button

Input:  {
          http_prefix - http prefix
          cm_text     - text to print
          cm_disabled - if 'yes', disable button
          cm_data     - adding to link

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          cm_string  - html string

Definition at line 2979 of file module.py.

def module::create_button_back (   i  ) 
Create 'back' button

Input:  {
          cm_back_json    - array with previous cM state

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 2946 of file module.py.

def module::default (   i  ) 
Print general info about cM cmd

Input:  {}

Output: {
          cm_return - 0

Definition at line 28 of file module.py.

def module::delete_data (   i  ) 
Delete data

Input:  {
          cm_run_module_uoa | cm_module_uoa - module UOA
          cm_data_uoa                       - data UOA 
          (cm_repo_uoa)                     - repo UOA
          (cm_force_delete)                 - if 'yes', force delete
          (cm_console)                      - by default, do not output anything except errors
                                              if 'txt' then output as plain text
                                              if 'web' then output for web (html, image, etc)
                                              if 'json' then output as json
          (cm_admin)                        - if 'yes', override access control - only internal use,
                                              can not be used during web access (explicitly removed)

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
                                   -1 if entry exists

Definition at line 1249 of file module.py.

def module::delete_data_through_web (   i  ) 
Delete data through web form

Input:  {
          browse_module_uoa   - module UOA
          browse_data_uoa     - data UOA 
          (browse_repo_uoa)   - repo UOA

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
                                   -1 if entry exists

Definition at line 1238 of file module.py.

def module::detect (   i  ) 
Detect system properties

Input:  {
          (host_os_uoa)                     - host OS on which cM is running to detect which scripts to use for detection. 
                                              If not set, the default one is taken from cM configuration.

          (target_os_uoa)                   - target OS to detect. If =='', host OS is used

          (get_uoa_from_repo)               - if 'yes', check if already in repo and return UOA

          (detect_repo_uoa)                 - search entries in this repository (if not set, do not search),
                                                if not found, add entries

          (record_if_doesnt_exist)          - if 'yes', record in repo if doesn't exist

          (ask_for_strings_if_not_detected) - if 'yes' and strings are not detected, ask for them

          (add_all)                         - if 'yes' add all information including generated files about system
                                              (used in private setups to keep all information for debugging
                                               or machine learning (to improve models and find appropriate features))

Output: {
          cm_return           - return code = 0, if successful

          cm_array            - {

          processor_string       - processor
          os_string              - OS
          system_string          - System
          memory_string          - All memory
          all_frequencies_string - All possible frequencies

          processor_uoa       - detected processor UOA or taken from the input
          os_uoa              - detected OS UOA or taken from the input
          system_uoa          - prepared system UOA

Definition at line 27 of file module.py.

def module::detect_form_params (   i  ) 
Detect various parameters (commands) in cM web forms 

Input:  {
          cm_array  - array of form #prefix#var or #prefix@command
          cm_prefix - prefix

Output: {
          cm_return   - return code >0 if error
          cm_array    - parsed array with keys
          cm_commands - parsed array with commands
          cm_explore  - parsed array with exploration dimensions

Definition at line 4209 of file module.py.

def module::detect_host_family (   i  ) 
Detect main OS version using python

Input:  {
          (cm_repo_uoa) - which repo to use to get info (to support remote ones)

Output: {
          cm_return      - return code = 0, if successful
          family         - OS family
          cm_os_uoa_list - list of OSes from the same family (through search)
          cm_host_uoa    - most close OS UOA from known
          cm_host_alias  - alias for cm_host_uoa

Definition at line 23 of file module.py.

def module::detect_representative_points (   i  ) 
Detect representative points to build the same model

Input:  {
          model_type              - "regression" or "classification"
          (ct_dimensions_output)  - for comparison
          desc                    - cM data description
          (max_variation_percent) - for comparison, report points where variation is more than this number (default=0.2)

Output: {
          cm_return - return code >0 if error
          results   - list with info about models including

Definition at line 164 of file module.py.

def module::download (   i  ) 
Download repository using cM web interface (possibly substitute old entries)

Input:  {
          (web_repo_uoa)        - repository UOA; if empty, update all repositories that are shared
          (overwrite)           - if 'yes', overwrite entries
          (download_all)        - if 'yes', download all
          (skip_large_download) - if 'yes', skip entries with large downloads
          (interactive)         - if 'yes', interactive
          (ask)                 - if 'yes', ask what to do with modules with many entries
          (cm_remote_user_uoa)  - change default user to access repo ...
Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
Download data entry

Input:  {
          cm_run_module_uoa | cm_module_uoa - module UOA
          cm_data_uoa                       - data UOA 
          (cm_repo_uoa)                     - repo UOA
          cm_all_files                      - if 'yes', download .cm description files 
                                              this is needed for the future cloning of repositories
                                              to avoid using all the time SVN/GIT for simple sharing ...

Output: {
          cm_return   - return code >0 if error
          ...         - various parameters to set http headers, etc

Definition at line 3803 of file module.py.

Referenced by org::openme::openme::remote_access().

def module::explore (   i  ) 
Explore choices

Input:  {
          cm_choices                - TODO: describe format, see ct-compiler gcc-4.6.2
          cm_exploration_strategy   - random
          (choice_rnd_seed)         - random seed
          *concatenate_output)      - if 'yes', concatenate list to string
          (output_key)              - use this value to set output key instead of cm_choice.
                                      Mainly used for command line exploration.

Output: {
          cm_return                        - if =0, success
          cm_choice or value of output_key - list of selected choices
Explore pipeline choices

Input:  {
          To update ...

          exploration_scenario            - exploration scenario for this pipeline
          exploration_scenario_module_uoa - exploration scenario module UOA
          number_of_iterations            - number of coarse grain iterations

          skip_if_entry_exists            - if 'yes' and coarse-grain entry exists, skip it
                                            useful for exploring only new coarse-grain points in space

          state     - init state
          desc      - state description

          (mobile_mode)                   - 'build' or 'process' - mode during crowdsourcing auto-tuning using mobiles
          (copy_built_executables)        - if 'yes', copy all built executables to a_<UID>.out
          (copy_src_to_tmp)               - if 'yes', copy sources to a tmp repo 
                                            (useful for parallel cloud/mobile tuning)

          (system_info)                   - detected system info by the mobile/cloud/grid system

          (new_src_uoa)                   - new src UOA in tmp repository
          (measured_frequency)            - measured frequency (if supported)
          (execution_info)                - list of list of execution times per binary - 1 coarse-grain exploration step
          (execution_info_min)            - list of minimal execution times per 1 coarse-grain exploration step
          (execution_info_ct_repeat_main) - CT_REPEAT_MAIN got during calibration
          (built_files)                   - list of unique built files (with UIDs)

Output: {
          cm_return     - if =0, success

          (additional parameters from the last scenario)

          (built_files) =[{"name","size","prepared_compiler_flags"},...]
          (new_src_uoa) - if src were copied, new UID in tmp repo

Explore a few points from mobile, cloud, etc 

Input:  {
          predefined_uoa                     - data UOA with pre-defined input to compiler optimization scenario

          mobile_mode - 'build' or 'process' - mode during crowdsourcing auto-tuning using mobiles

          (system_info)                      - detected system info by the mobile/cloud/grid system

          (new_src_uoa)                      - new src UOA in tmp repository
          (measured_frequency)               - measured frequency (if supported)
          (execution_info)                   - list of list of execution times per binary - 1 coarse-grain exploration step
          (execution_info_min)               - list of minimal execution times per 1 coarse-grain exploration step
          (execution_info_ct_repeat_main)    - CT_REPEAT_MAIN got during calibration
          (built_files)                      - list of unique built files (with UIDs)

Output: {
          cm_return     - if =0, success

          (new_src_uoa) - if src were copied, new UID in tmp repo

Definition at line 22 of file module.py.

def module::filter_special_str (   i  ) 
Filter special string (convert to dict entry)

Input:  {
          cm_string - string to filter

Output: {
          cm_return - if =0, success
          cm_string - converted string

Definition at line 4694 of file module.py.

def module::find_aggregated_entry (   i  ) 
Find aggregated entry

Input:  {
          (work_repo_uoa)   - repo UOA
          record_module_uoa - module UOA
          summary_point     - pipeline state to use dimensions for search

Output: {
          cm_return          - if =0, success
          aggregated_entries - aggregated_entries

Definition at line 2609 of file module.py.

def module::find_cid (   i  ) 
Find CID

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 1482 of file module.py.

def module::find_data_without_access_control (   i  ) 
Test some funcionality before moving to a proper test

Input:  {
          (prune_repo_uoa)   - prune search by a given repository
          (prune_module_uoa) - prune search by a given module
          (prune_data_uoa)   - prune search by a given data

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 156 of file module.py.

def module::find_key_value_in_array (   i  ) 
Find key/value pair in array 

Input:  {
          cm_array          - array
          cm_search         - {"key": key, "value": value} or {"value":value}
          (use_flat_array)  - if 'yes', keys should be in "flat array" format (##x#y ...)
          (strict_match)    - if 'yes', make exact comparison of values

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          cm_found   - True if found

Definition at line 2159 of file module.py.

def module::find_path_to_data (   i  ) 
Find path to data (to some extent we keep it here for compatibility or for
                   command line, since it's now the same as load_data).

Input:  {
          See "load_data" function

Output: {
          See "load_data" function

Definition at line 364 of file module.py.

def module::find_path_to_repository (   i  ) 
Find path to a given repository

Input:  {
          (find_repo_uoa)     - repo UOA
          (get_default_repo)  - if 'yes' and find_repo_uoa=='', get path to default repo
          (cm_console)        - if 'txt', output as text to console
          (cm_admin)          - if 'yes', override access control - only internal use,
                                can not be used during web access (explicitly removed)

Output: {
          cm_return        - return code >0 if error
          cm_path          - path to repository
          cm_data_obj      - cM data object
          cm_uid           - uid (from UOA)
          cm_alias         - alias (from UOA)
          cm_uoa           - cm_data_uoa (alias or uid if alias=='')
          (cur_module_uoa) - current module UOA if in current path
          (cur_data_uoa)   - current data UOA if in current path

Definition at line 188 of file module.py.

def module::finish_python_graph (   i  ) 
Finish python graph and save to file

Input:  {
          ct_graph     - graph type
          matplot_obj  - prepared MatPlot object
          cm_file_ext  - file extension
          (url)        - starting url of cM
          (reproduce)  - parameters to reproduce/save graph
          (save_graph) - prepare for saving
          (cm_console) - if 'txt' output path to the generated image to the console

          (legend)     - if !='', add to the end of the graph

          (mpl_extra_params)           - if python mat plot is used, this dictionary has extra params
                                            mpl_image_size_x - image X size in inch
                                            mpl_image_size_y - image Y size in inch
                                            mpl_image_dpi    - image DPI

Output: {
          cm_return   - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 1949 of file module.py.

def module::fit (   i  ) 
Fit data using existing models (combine build and predict)

Input:  {
          (ct_dimensions_output)  - for comparison
          desc                    - cM data description
          (max_variation_percent) - for comparison, report points where variation is more than this number (default=0.2)

Output: {
          cm_return - return code >0 if error
          results   - list with info about models including

Definition at line 87 of file module.py.

def module::flush (   i  ) 
Flush index

Input:  {
          (cm_index_uoa)  - uoa with description of indexer
          (os_uoa)        - uoa with OS description (needed for script extension, for example)
          (cm_index_port) - web port

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 140 of file module.py.

def module::functionality (   i  ) 
Test some funcionality before moving to a proper test

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 122 of file module.py.

def module::gen_cm_tmp_file (   i  ) 
Generate tmp file name

Input:  {}

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          cm_path    - path to file
          cm_uid     - generated uid

Definition at line 3362 of file module.py.

def module::gen_docs (   i  ) 
Generate cM documentation

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 25 of file module.py.

def module::gen_stats (   i  ) 
Generate cM statistics

Input:  {
          (cm_repo_uoa) - repo where to create entry

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 174 of file module.py.

def module::gen_uid (   i  ) 
Generate cM UID

Input:  {
            (cm_console)       - by default, do not output anything except errors
                                 if 'txt' then output as plain text
                                 if 'web' then output for web (html, image, etc)
                                 if 'json' then output as json

Output: {
          cm_return - return code = 0, if successful
          cm_uid    - cM UID

Definition at line 160 of file module.py.

def module::generate (   i  ) 
Generating research topics and papers for "low-hanging fruits" ;) 

Input:  {
          cm_data_uoa   - data with topic template
          (cm_repo_uoa) - repository

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
Generate qr-code

Input:  {
          cm_string        - string to convert to qr-code
          qr_level         - qr_level (4,5,etc)
          image_size       - picture size

Output: {
          cm_return        - return code >0 if error
          cm_full_filename - file with image

Definition at line 26 of file module.py.

def module::get_all_repo_paths (   i  ) 
Get paths for all repositories (has to be low level operation!)

Input:  {
          (cm_admin)          - if 'yes', override access control - only internal use,
                                can not be used during web access (explicitly removed)

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          cm_array   - array with paths

Definition at line 349 of file module.py.

def module::get_env (   i  ) 
cM web index

Input:  {
          cm_data_uoa - code UOA to prepare environment script name
          os_uoa      - OS configuration to prepare extension

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 67 of file module.py.

def module::get_info_about_current_path (   i  ) 
Get info about current path

Input:  {}

Output: {
          cm_return       - return code >0 if error
                                        -1 if doesn't exist
          cm_path         - path to the local repository
          (cm_module_uoa) - module UOA of the current path
          (cm_data_uoa)   - data UOA of the current path
          (cm_repo_uoa)   - repo UOA
          (cm_repo_uid)   - repo UID

Definition at line 3386 of file module.py.

def module::get_info_about_full_hosts (   i  ) 
Get info about current full web and index hosts

Input:  {}

Output: {
          cm_return       - return code >0 if error
          cm_web_host     - full web host 
          cm_index_host   - full indexing host

Definition at line 3424 of file module.py.

def module::get_list_of_all_files (   i  ) 
Get a list of all files in a given directory recursively

Input:  {
          cm_module_uoa - module UOA
          cm_data_uoa   - data UOA
          (cm_repo_uoa) - repo UOA
          cm_path_ext  - path extension
          limit        - limit number of files (if huge directories)
          number       - cur. number of files
          cm_all_files - if 'yes' do not ignore special files (like .cm)

Output: {
          cm_return - return code = 0 if successful
          cm_array  - list of files

Definition at line 3539 of file module.py.

def module::get_state (   i  ) 
Get current state

Input:  {
          (host_os_uoa)        - host OS on which cM is running to detect which scripts to use for detection. 
                                 If not set, the default one is taken from cM configuration.

          (target_os_uoa)      - target OS to detect. If =='', host OS is used

Output: {
          cm_return - return code = 0, if successful

          system_state         - [windows]

Definition at line 727 of file module.py.

def module::get_stats_for_benchmarks (   i  ) 
Compare systems through benchmarking

Input:  {
          (data)                           - list of data entries to analyze
          (prune_by_summary_point_relaxed) - if data is not provided, search will be performed for all entries;
                                             returned entries can be pruned by this dictionary 
                                             using 'summary_point_relaxed' in entries
          characteristic_key               - key to get characteristic (will be converted to float)
          (cm_repo_uoa)                    - working repository

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success
          stats       - dictionary of format
                                        "min"                  - min value
                                        "max"                  - max value
                                        "delta"                - max-min
                                        "percent_delta_to_min" - delta/min
                                        "mean"                 - mean
                                        "std"                  - standard deviation
                                        "percent_std_to_min"   - standard deviation/min  


Definition at line 386 of file module.py.

def module::gws_2d_column_chart (   i  ) 
Google Web Services 2D Column Chart

Input:  {
          ct_module_uoa                - module to visualize
          ct_array                     - collective tuning array
          ct_array_id                  - array with space data points UIDs
          ct_axes                      - axes
          ct_axes_desc                 - axes description
          ct_points                    - selected entries
          url                          - starting url of cM
          (convert_text_axes_to_float) - convert text axes to consequitive floats
          (legend)                     - if !='', add to the end of the graph


Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 1274 of file module.py.

def module::gws_2d_scatter_chart (   i  ) 
Google Web Services 2D Scatter Chart

Input:  {
          ct_module_uoa                - module to visualize
          ct_array                     - collective tuning array
          ct_array_id                  - array with space data points UIDs
          ct_axes                      - axes
          ct_axes_desc                 - axes description
          ct_points                    - selected entries
          url                          - starting url of cM
          (convert_text_axes_to_float) - convert text axes to consequitive floats
          (legend)                     - if !='', add to the end of the graph

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 1387 of file module.py.

def module::help (   i  ) 
Print help about module actions

Input:  {
          cm_run_module_uoa - module UOA
          (cm_common_func)  - if ='true', then the module is called from some other module

Output: {
          cm_return - 0

Definition at line 47 of file module.py.

def module::index (   i  ) 
Add or delete index

Input:  {
          cm_module_uoa       - module UOA
          cm_data_uoa         - data UOA
          (cm_repo_uoa)       - repo UOA
          mode                - 'delete' | 'add'
          (cm_index_uoa)      - index configuration
          (sequential)        - if 'yes' perform sequential index (very slow, but reports errors)

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
Show cM main web page

Input:  {
          (cm_web_preprocess)  - if 'yes', preprocess request (usually user authentication)
          (cm_menu)           - select user menu

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 47 of file module.py.

def module::index_seq (   url,
Add or delete index

Input:  {
          url    - Elastic search URL
          jindex - index in json to add
          mode   - 'delete' | 'add'

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 641 of file module.py.

def module::info (   i  ) 
Print info about module

Input:  {
          cm_run_module_uoa - module UOA
          (cm_common_func)  - if ='true', then the module is called from some other module

Output: {
          cm_return - 0

Definition at line 92 of file module.py.

def module::init (   i  ) 

Definition at line 17 of file module.py.

def module::install (   i  ) 
Install code and set environment

Input:  {
          (install_data_uid)              - create an entry with this UID
          (install_data_alias)            - create an entry with this alias
          (install_data_display_as_alias) - use this display as alias for a generated entry
          (install_module_uoa)            - use this module to create an entry (if not set, use 'code')
          (install_repo_uoa)              - use this repo to create an entry
          (cm_array)                      - add this data to the new entry
          target_os_uoa                   - target os to install script
          (add_rem_to_script)             - add rem to install script

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code = 0, if successful

          Parameters from entry creation

          script_filename - script filename
          script_name     - full script name
Install cM package

Input:  {
          package_data_uoa                - UOA of package to install
          (package_repo_uoa)              - repo of the package
          package_host_os_uoa             - UOA of host OS (to set up script execution)

          (install_data_uid)              - UID of the code where package will be installed
                                            if install_data_uid=='' it will be randomly generated
          (install_data_alias)            - use this alias for a generated entry
          (install_data_display_as_alias) - use this display as alias for a generated entry

            If package should be built:
          build_target_os_uoa             - target OS uoa for building
          (code_deps)                     - list with code UOA for dependencies [{"index":"uoa"} ...]
          (run_target_processor_uoa)      - target processor UOA (not strictly needed - can add some helper parameters before executing code)
          (run_set_env2)                  - array with environment variables to be set before executable
          (add_rem_to_script)             - add rem to install script
          (add_to_code_entry)             - add array to code entry
          (skip_extract_and_build)        - if 'yes', skip copy, extract and build (by setting CM_SKIP_BUILD=yes)

Output: {
          cm_return - return code = 0, if successful

          Output from 'code install'

Definition at line 25 of file module.py.

def module::installed (   i  ) 
List installed packages

Input:  {
          (code_repo_uoa)             - repo UOA to list code
          (prune_by_class_uoa)        - prune by 1 class UOA
          (prune_by_name)             - prune by name (checks for inclusion; case insensitive)
          (fuzzy_match)               - if 'yes', check inclusion of 'prune_by_name' in name, otherwise exact match
          (prune_by_name_uoa)         - prune by name UOA
          (prune_by_type)             - prune by "library_or_plugin" or "package"
          (prune_by_host_os)          - prune by host os
          (prune_by_target_os)        - prune by target os
          (prune_by_target_processor) - prune by target processor
          (prune_by_compiler)         - if library or plugin, prune by compiler
          (prune_by_os_from_kernel)   - if 'yes', take OS from kernel
          (only_uoa)                  - return only UOA

Output: {
          cm_return - return code = 0, if successful
          final     - list with code entries in cM 'list' format

Definition at line 1053 of file module.py.

def module::list_data (   i  ) 
List data

Input:  {
          cm_run_module_uoa | cm_module_uoa - module UOA
          (cm_repo_uoa)                     - repo UOA
          (cm_data_uoa)                     - data UOA
          (cm_console)                      - by default, do not output anything except errors
                                              if 'txt' then output as plain text
                                              if 'web' then output for web (html, image, etc)
                                              if 'json' then output as json
          (cm_only_uid)                     - 'yes' to show only UID
          (cm_class_uoa)                    - prune by 1 class UOA
          (cm_classes_uoa)                  - prune by classes UOA (list)
          (cm_only_available_modules)       - if 'yes', return only available modules in a given repository
          (skip_data_cfg)                   - if 'yes', do not add data cfg            
          (show_alias_and_uid)              - if 'yes', show alias (UID)
          (show_display_as_alias)           - if 'yes', show in format DISPLAY_AS_ALIAS (UID / ALIAS)

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
                                   -1 if entry exists
          cm_array   - array with UOA
          cm_mixed   - list of {cm_uid, cm_alias, cm_uoa, cm_display_as_alias, cm_display_html}

Definition at line 1382 of file module.py.

def module::list_files_through_web (   i  ) 
List files through web

Input:  {
          cm_path          - path to entry
          limit            - limit
          http_prefix      - http prefix to view files
          skip_html_header - if 'yes', skip header

Output: {
          cm_return   - return code >0 if error
                                    -1 if entry exists
          cm_filelist - list of files

Definition at line 1191 of file module.py.

def module::load_data (   i  ) 
Load data

Input:  {
          cm_module_uoa  - module UOA
          cm_data_uoa    - data UOA 
          (cm_repo_uoa)  - repo UOA
          (cm_console)   - by default, do not output anything except errors
                           if 'txt' then output as plain text
                           if 'web' then output for web (html, image, etc)
                           if 'json' then output as json
          (cm_web)       - yes, for web environment
          (lock_acquire) - if 'yes', acquire lock
          (lock_expire)  - for how long to acquire lock (secs) 
          (cm_admin)     - if 'yes', override access control - only internal use,
                           can not be used during web access (explicitly removed)
Output: {
          cm_return            - return code = 0, if successful
                                             < 0, if error
                                                  32 - lock acquired by someone else
          (cm_error)           - error text if return code > 0
          cm_data_obj          - cM data object
          cm_path              - path to data entry
          cm_path_module       - path to module entry with this data
          cm_uid               - uid (from UOA)
          cm_alias             - alias (from UOA)
          cm_display_as_alias  - taken from the data
          cm_repo_uoa          - UOA of a repository
          cm_repo_uid          - UID of a repository
          cm_display_html      - prepare display: "display as alias" or <I>alias</I> or UID
          (lock_uid)           - UID of the aquired lock

Definition at line 393 of file module.py.

def module::load_default_kernel_data (   i  ) 
Load default kernel data

Input:  {
Output: {
          cm_return            - return code = 0, if successful
                                             < 0, if error
                                                  32 - lock acquired by someone else
          (cm_error)           - error text if return code > 0
          cm_data_obj          - cM data object

Definition at line 3476 of file module.py.

def module::login (   i  ) 
Example of loging in and saving cookies if needed.
Only web preprocess!

Input:  { TBD

Output: {
          cm_return             - return code >0 if error
          cm_web_headers        - web headers
          cm_web_postprocess=no - force cM not to postprocess


Definition at line 3954 of file module.py.

def module::logout (   i  ) 
Example of loging out and destroying cookies if needed.
Only web preprocess!

Input:  { TBD

Output: {
          cm_return             - return code >0 if error
          cm_web_headers        - web headers
          cm_web_postprocess=no - force cM not to postprocess


Definition at line 3916 of file module.py.

def module::mobile_node_prepare (   i  ) 
Prepare execution for mobile system (phone, tablet, cloud)

Input:  {


Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success

Definition at line 3619 of file module.py.

def module::mpl2_2d_scatter_chart (   i  ) 
Python Matplot 2D scatter chart

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return   - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 2610 of file module.py.

def module::mpl2_2d_scatter_chart_a (   i  ) 
Plot graph from points

Input:  {
          The same as in 'convert_points_to_flat_csv'

Output: {
          cm_return        - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 2545 of file module.py.

def module::mpl2_2d_warm_graph (   i  ) 
Plot graph from points

Input:  {
          ct_multi_array - see output of 'convert_points_to_flat_csv'

Output: {
          cm_return        - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 2470 of file module.py.

def module::mpl2_2d_warm_graph_a (   i  ) 
Plot graph from points

Input:  {
          The same as in 'convert_points_to_flat_csv'

Output: {
          cm_return        - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 2445 of file module.py.

def module::mpl_1d_density_graph (   i  ) 
Python Matplot 1D density graph

Input:  {
          ct_array                     - collective tuning array
          ct_array_id                  - array with space data points UIDs
          ct_axes                      - axes
          ct_axes_desc                 - axes description
          ct_points                    - selected entries
          reproduce                    - parameters to reproduce/save graph
          (url)                        - starting url of cM
          (save_graph)                 - if 'yes', save graph
          (cm_file_ext)                - file extension if save_graph=='yes'
          (convert_text_axes_to_float) - convert text axes to consequitive floats
          (mpl_extra_params)           - if python mat plot is used, this dictionary has extra params
                                            mpl_image_size_x - image X size in inch
                                            mpl_image_size_y - image Y size in inch
                                            mpl_image_dpi    - image DPI
                                            mpl_detach_graph - if 'on', detach graph

Output: {
          cm_return   - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 1493 of file module.py.

def module::mpl_2d_column_chart (   i  ) 
Python Matplot 2D column chart

Input:  {
          ct_array                     - collective tuning array
          ct_array_id                  - array with space data points UIDs
          ct_axes                      - axes
          ct_axes_desc                 - axes description
          ct_points                    - selected entries
          reproduce                    - parameters to reproduce/save graph
          (url)                        - starting url of cM
          (save_graph)                 - if 'yes', save graph
          (cm_file_ext)                - file extension if save_graph=='yes'
          (convert_text_axes_to_float) - convert text axes to consequitive floats
          (mpl_extra_params)           - if python mat plot is used, this dictionary has extra params
                                            mpl_image_size_x - image X size in inch
                                            mpl_image_size_y - image Y size in inch
                                            mpl_image_dpi    - image DPI
                                            mpl_detach_graph - if 'on', detach graph

Output: {
          cm_return   - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 1780 of file module.py.

def module::mpl_2d_scatter_chart (   i  ) 
Python Matplot 2D scatter chart

Input:  {
          ct_array                     - collective tuning array
          ct_array_id                  - array with space data points UIDs
          ct_axes                      - axes
          ct_axes_desc                 - axes description
          ct_points                    - selected entries
          reproduce                    - parameters to reproduce/save graph
          (url)                        - starting url of cM
          (save_graph)                 - if 'yes', save graph
          (cm_file_ext)                - file extension if save_graph=='yes'
          (convert_text_axes_to_float) - convert text axes to consequitive floats
          (mpl_extra_params)           - if python mat plot is used, this dictionary has extra params
                                            mpl_image_size_x - image X size in inch
                                            mpl_image_size_y - image Y size in inch
                                            mpl_image_dpi    - image DPI
                                            mpl_detach_graph - if 'on', detach graph

Output: {
          cm_return   - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 1621 of file module.py.

def module::mpl_get_available_fonts (   i  ) 
Get available TTF fonts in matplot

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return   - return code >0 if error
          fonts       - list of fonts (without path and ttf extension

Definition at line 2583 of file module.py.

def module::native_run (   i  ) 
Native run with timing

Input:  {
          cm_unparsed - run
          skip_output - if 'yes', do not print 'Execution time ...'

Output: {
          cm_return      - return of the system
          execution_time - execution time of a command

Definition at line 1311 of file module.py.

def module::output_known_characteristics (   i  ) 
Output known characteristics from the state

Input:  { 

Output: {
          cm_return - if =0, success

Definition at line 4645 of file module.py.

def module::postprocess_web_request (   i  ) 
Postprocess web request

Input:  {
          (cm_web_session)    - $_SESSION
          (cm_web_get)        - $_GET
          (cm_web_post)       - $_POST
          (cm_web_cookie)     - cookies
          (cm_user_uoa)       - user UOA
          (cm_user_password)  - user password in plain text 
                                (not secure, usually used for web form authentication)
          (cm_user_password1) - user password in SHA1
                                (more secure, can be stored in environment, session or cookies)
                                 cM authenicates by taking SHA1(cm_user_password1)...

          (cm_web_module_uoa) - module to envoke
          (cm_web_action)     - action for the module

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 4092 of file module.py.

def module::predict (   i  ) 
Predict using some model

Input:  {
          model_module_uoa        - model's module
          (model_data_uoa)        - model's data (if need to record)
          model_name              - (earth, svm)
          (ct_dimensions_output)  - for comparison
          desc                    - cM data description
          (max_variation_percent) - for comparison, report points where variation is more than this number (default=0.2)

Output: {
          cm_return - return code >0 if error
          (rmse)    - if comparison, root mean square error for predictions vs original
          (max_var) - list of points with variation more than max_variation_percent          

Predict using model

Input:  {
          (ct_dimensions_output)  - for comparison
          desc                    - cM data description
          model_name              - (earth, svm)
          (max_variation_percent) - for comparison, report points where variation is more than this number (default=0.2)

Output: {
          cm_return - return code >0 if error
          (rmse)    - if comparison, root mean square error for predictions vs original
          (max_var) - list of points with variation more than max_variation_percent          

Definition at line 99 of file module.py.

def module::predict_opts (   i  ) 
Predict optimizations

Input:  {
           In non-web mode:
              (program_milepost_properties) - if not empty, return most close programs

              (cm_submit_prune)             - if 'yes', prune results to find most close program
              (opt_predictor)               - 'nearest_neighbour' for nearest neighbour classifier
              (cm_repo_uoa)                 - repo to prune results

              (pruning_similar_programs)    - direct pruning parameters
              (number_of_returned_items)    - number of returned items

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success

Definition at line 3641 of file module.py.

def module::prepare_choices (   i  ) 
Prepare tuning dimension

Input:  {
          cm_array         - pipeline array
          cm_data_desc     - pipeline data description
          cm_explore       - exploration parameters 
          cm_explore_state - exploration state
          cm_explore_level - exploration level ('' - coarse-grain, '1' - next level, ...)
          random_seed      - random seed

Output: {
          cm_return               - if =0, success
          cm_explore_state        - exploration state
          cm_exploration_finished - if 'yes', exploration finished (for nested loops)

Definition at line 267 of file module.py.

def module::prepare_cmd (   i  ) 
Prepare command line for the code

Input:  {
          (code_module_uoa)  - module of the working data
          (code_data_uoa)    - working data uoa
          (run_cmd_key)      - name if multiple CMDs available for this program
          (dataset_uoa)      - UOA of dataset used to prepare this cmd
          (os_uoa)           - OS UOA
          (compilation_type) - static or dynamic

Output: {
          cm_return               - if =0, success
          (cm_error)              - if cm_return>0, error text

            run_env               - set environment before command line
                                  - the following params will be aggregated to 1 line

          build_compiler_vars     - possible compiler variables (often set hardwired dataset)

Definition at line 1146 of file module.py.

def module::prepare_content_header (   i  ) 
Prepare content header

Input:  {
          (cm_web_content) - explicit type (jpg, etc)
          (cm_filename)    - filename

Output: {
          cm_return        - return code >0 if error
          cm_web_headers   - list of headers

Definition at line 3624 of file module.py.

def module::prepare_env_for_all_codes (   i  ) 
Prepare environment for all codes

Input:  {
          code_deps       - list with code UOA for dependencies [{"index":"uoa"} ...]
          os_uoa          - OS UOA
          no_strict_check - if 'yes', do not check if code dependency was installed properly

Output: {
          cm_return      - return code = 0, if successful
          cm_string      - environment string
          cm_array       - array with environment setting (for scripts)
          include_paths1 - list with paths with include directories
          lib_paths      - list with libraries 
          env_separator  - environment separator (just in case to avoid double loading of OS)

Definition at line 680 of file module.py.

def module::prepare_env_vars (   i  ) 
Prepare environment variables

Input:  {
          array      - array of environment variables to set
          prefix     - add prefix to set environment variable
          separator  - add separator for the command line
          (quotes)   - use quotes?

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success
          cm_string   - cmd with prepared environment (export A=B; export C=D; ...)
          cm_string1  - simplified string (CM_ALL_ENV="A=B C=D E=F")
          cm_array    - array with environment setting (for scripts)

Definition at line 786 of file module.py.

def module::prepare_environment (   i  ) 
Prepare environment

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return       - if =0, success

Definition at line 851 of file module.py.

def module::prepare_flags (   i  ) 
Prepare flags from array

Input:  {
          cm_data_uoa       - data with compiler description
          all_flags         - {} all flags
          (all_flags_order) - [] order of flags

Output: {
          cm_return       - if =0, success
          prepared_flags  - string with prepared flags
          all_flags_order - [] order of flags (if original was empty, 
                            prepare order according to sort_index in description)

Definition at line 186 of file module.py.

def module::prepare_input_params (   i  ) 
Prepare input parameters for this scenario

Input:  {
          cm_form_array - array with forms
          form_exists   - yes or no
          cm_array1     - array from form 1 (coarse-grain points)
          cm_array2     - array from form 2 (additional parameters) just in case
          caller_cfg    - caller module cfg

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success

Definition at line 204 of file module.py.

def module::prepare_path (   i  ) 
Prepare path from the repository entry as absolute path 
(convert from relative or absolute)

Input:  {
          cm_cfg              - cfg file of the repository

Output: {
          cm_return           - return code >0 if error
          cm_path             - path
          cm_path_without_cmr - path without .cmr

Definition at line 410 of file module.py.

def module::prepare_script (   i  ) 
Prepare script with code deps

Input:  {
          script_name           - script name (usually without extensions)
          target_os_uoa         - target os to get script extension and other parameters
          (skip_extension)      - if 'yes', script already has extension
          (cm_path)             - path to create script
          (set_env1)            - add environment vars (1) to script
          (code_deps)           - add code deps to script
          (set_env2)            - add environment vars (2) to script
          (run_commands_before) - add some commands before main command
          (run_cmd)             - add main command
          (run_commands_after)  - add some commands after main command

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code = 0, if successful
          cm_path    - full name of the created script with path

Definition at line 962 of file module.py.

def module::prepare_sub_script (   i  ) 
Prepare sub_script with extension

Input:  {
          run_script           - script name (usually without extensions)
          (run_script_uoa)     - script UOA if any
          target_os_cfg        -  target os cfg to get script extension and other parameters


Output: {
          cm_return  - return code = 0, if successful
          cm_path    - full name of the created script with path

Definition at line 1064 of file module.py.

def module::prepare_summary_point (   i  ) 
Prepare summary point (to save a unique experiment in a repository)

Input:  {
          state             - pipeline state to use dimensions for search

Output: {
          cm_return      - if =0, success
          summary_point1 - summary point (dimensions) - strict summary point to detect the same experiments
          summary_point2 - summary point (dimensions) - relaxed summary point for viewing and pruning

Definition at line 2658 of file module.py.

def module::prepare_tuning_dimension_for_web (   i  ) 
Prepare tuning dimension for web

Input:  {
          cm_data_desc - data description

Output: {
          cm_return  - if =0, success
          cm_string  - html for choices, explore strategy and tuning parameters

Definition at line 197 of file module.py.

def module::preprocess_web_request (   i  ) 
Preprocess web request (convert $_GET and $_POST into one array and envoke cM module)

Input:  {
          (cm_web_session)    - $_SESSION
          (cm_web_get)        - $_GET
          (cm_web_post)       - $_POST
          (cm_web_cookie)     - cookies
          (cm_user_uoa)       - user UOA
          (cm_user_password)  - user password in plain text 
                                (not secure, usually used for web form authentication)
          (cm_user_password1) - user password in SHA1
                                (more secure, can be stored in environment, session or cookies)
                                 cM authenicates by taking SHA1(cm_user_password1)...

          (cm_web_module_uoa) - module to envoke
          (cm_web_action)     - action for the module

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          ...        - output from the envoked module

Definition at line 4007 of file module.py.

def module::print_help (   i  ) 
Print help about data actions

Input:  {
          cm_array - array in cM action format

Output: {
          cm_return - 0

Definition at line 134 of file module.py.

def module::process (   i  ) 
Run collective tuning pipeline

Input:  {
          space                 - available points in space
          pipeline_input        - pipeline input
          pipeline_output       - pipeline output
          desc                  - state description
          tune_characteristics  - list of characteristics to tune 
                                  (priorities, such as global execution time; code size; energy; compilation time, etc -
                                   depending on user scenario)
          calcluate_improvement_over_ref - if !='', use this as the key in space
                                                   to calcluate improvements over first point
          max_improvement_threshold - if at least one of the max improvement more than threshold, add


Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success
          state       - final state
          space       - (updated) space
          must_add    - if 'yes', should add this point
Run collective tuning pipeline

Input:  {
          state     - init state
          (state1)  - state where to record characteristics - if empty, use 'state'
          desc      - state description

Output: {
          cm_return - if =0, success
          state     - final state
          state1    - state1
Analyze variation of variables

Input:  {
          array     - dictionary of format
                        "varA":[valueA1, valueA2, ...],
                        "varB":[valueB1, valueB2, ...],

Output: {
          cm_return - if =0, success
          array     - dictionary of format
                                "min"                  - min value
                                "max"                  - max value
                                "delta"                - max-min
                                "percent_delta_to_min" - delta/min
                                "mean"                 - mean
                                "std"                  - standard deviation
                                "percent_std_to_min"   - standard deviation/min  

Definition at line 23 of file module.py.

def module::process_web_request (   ix  ) 
Simple Web Server: process request

Input:  {
          'http' : http object

Output: {

Definition at line 3256 of file module.py.

def module::prune (   i  ) 
Prune unused opt_classes

Input:  {
          (prune_repo_uoa)     - repo where to search
          (prune_module_uoa)   - module to check opt_classes

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 22 of file module.py.

def module::record (   i  ) 
Process and record semi-raw data during benchmarking

Input:  {
          cm_array    - semi-raw benchmarking info that will be converted 
                        to cM format and recorded to cM repository
          cm_repo_uoa - working repository

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success

Definition at line 25 of file module.py.

def module::register_func (   i  ) 
Register function (action) in a module

Input:  {
          cm_run_module_uoa - module UOA
          (cm_common_func)  - if ='true', then the module is called from some other module
          (new_func)        - new function name
          (new_desc)        - new desc
          (new_index)       - new index (if empty, use func)

Output: {
          cm_return - 0

Definition at line 187 of file module.py.

def module::rename_data (   i  ) 
Rename data entry

Input:  {
          (orig_repo_uoa)  - repo of original data
          orig_module_uoa  - module of original data
          orig_data_uoa    - data UOA to rename

          new_data_alias   - new data alias (leave empty to remove alias)
          new_data_uid     - new data UID (leave empty to keep old one)
Output: {
          cm_return            - return code = 0, if successful

Definition at line 701 of file module.py.

def module::repair (   i  ) 
Repair data entry (most common - alias exist but not UID)

Input:  {
          See "load_data"

Output: {
          cm_return   - return code = 0 if success
          See "load_data"

Definition at line 1610 of file module.py.

def module::reproduce (   i  ) 
Reproduce collective tuning pipeline state

Input:  {
          reproduce_module_uoa - pipeline state module UOA
          reproduce_data_uoa   - pipeline state data UOA
          (reproduce_repo_uoa) - pipeline state repo UOA
          (point)              - point in state (by default 0)               

          data_uoa          - use this data UOA to load recorded state
          (repo_uoa)        - use this repo UOA to load recorded state
          (pipeline_uoa)    - entry with pipeline
          (pipeline)        - pipeline array [{cm_access input}]
          (record_in_space) - if 'yes', record in cTuning space
          (record_repo_uoa) - if record, which repo to use
          (record_data_uoa) - if record, set data_uoa (if not set, generate randomly)

Output: {
          cm_return         - if =0, success
          pipeline_input    - input pipeline (original)
          pipeline_output   - output pipeline (new)

Definition at line 3466 of file module.py.

def module::restore_writing_in_kernel (   i  ) 
Restore writing in kernel

Input:  {
          cm_filename - filename with full path to the current kernel configuration
          cm_array    - current configuration array

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 3344 of file module.py.

def module::run (   i  ) 
Run code (binary or script)

Input:  {
          (run_host_os_uoa)          - host OS UOA (if not set, use default OS from kernel)
          (run_target_os_uoa)        - target OS UOA (if not set, use run_host_uoa_os)

          (run_target_processor_uoa) - target processor UOA (not strictly needed - can add some helper parameters before executing code)

          run_cmd_key                - if !='', set all further run parameters (including target name) 
                                       from the work_dir_data_uoa (must be set)
          (dataset_uoa)              - use dataset to update cmd params from above
          run_cmd                    - command line to run
          run_script                 - use the following script (add extension from run_target_os)
          run_script_uoa             - take script from this entry in os.script (add extension from run_target_os)
          (run_cmd1)                 - following format: run_cmd1 run_cmd_name|binary_name run_cmd2 run_cmd_main run_cmd3 > run_cmd_out1 2> run_cmd_out2
          (run_cmd_main) or (binary_name)

          (work_dir)                 - change to this working directory before running code
          (work_dir_repo_uoa)        - change to the working directory in the repository (repo UOA)
          (work_dir_module_uoa)      - change to the working directory in the repository (module UOA)
          (work_dir_data_uoa)        - change to the working directory in the repository (data UOA)

          (run_input_files)          - list of files needed to run code (can be copied to the remote host system)
          (run_output_files)         - list of files that will be created (for validation, etc)

          (code_deps)                - list with code UOA for dependencies [{"index":"uoa"} ...]
          (skip_code_deps)           - if 'yes', skip code deps

          (run_set_env1)             - array with environment variables to be set before code deps
          (run_set_env2)             - array with environment variables to be set before executable

          (run_commands_before)      - run commands before executable
          (run_commands_after)       - run commands after executable

          (cm_dependencies)          - dependencies that set all other dependencies (code/include/lib).
                                       Format [{"class UOA":"code UOA"},{},...]

          (run_timeout)              - time out for run (overheads may occur)

          (keep_all_files)           - if 'yes', do not remove tmp files and do not clean up remote device
          (cm_verbose)               - if 'yes', print all info

Output: {
          cm_return          - return code = 0, if successful

          timed_out          - 'yes' if timed out
          failed_run         - 'yes' if return code !=0 or timed out or binary doesn't exist
          run_time_by_module - run time measured by module
          exit_code          - exit code of the system call
          run_cmd            - final run cmd
          work_dir           - work directory
          run_output_files   - final output files
Run collective tuning pipeline

Input:  {
          state                       - init state

             Some additional debug/developer parameters

          cm_show_json                - if 'yes', show input json (normally used before pipeline)
          cm_save_json_to_file        - if !='', save input json to file (normally used before pipeline)
          cm_show_output_json         - if 'yes', show final output state json on console
          cm_save_output_json_to_file - if !='', save final output state json to file

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success
          state       - final state
          fail        - True, if pipeline fail

Definition at line 29 of file module.py.

def module::run_stat (   i  ) 
Run collective tuning pipeline with statistical analysis of variability

Input:  {
          state             - init state
          desc              - pipeline description (needed to know characteristics)

          additional_params - scenario parameters dict
                              "repeat_for_statistics" - number of repetitions for statistical analysis

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success
          state       - final state

Definition at line 1745 of file module.py.

def module::run_stat_cmd (   i  ) 
Run pipeline from CMD with user-friendly features

Input:  {
          (host_os_uoa)               - if not selected, take from kernel
          (target_os_uoa)             - if not selected, take from kernel
          (target_processor_uoa)      - if not selected, use generic-x86-64

          (compiler_fuzzy_match)       - if 'compiler_package_name' is used, and 'yes' check for inclusion rather than exact match of names



          (repeat_for_statistics)      - number of pipeline repetitions (for statistical analysis)
          (statistics_module)          - module for statistical analysis

          (update_state)               - directly update state

          (only_prepare_state)         - if 'yes', do not run pipeline but only update state and description

Output: {
          cm_return                        - if =0, success

Definition at line 4084 of file module.py.

def module::scenario (   i  ) 
Build and run program, save to repository

Input:  {
          caller_module_uid    - caller module UID
          state                - pipeline state
          exploration_scenario - exploraiton scenario parameters
          summary_point        - summary dimensions describing aggregated point
          aggregated_entry     - all aggregated points
          space                - if aggregated, current space
          original_input       - to get other additional forms per scenario
          cm_data_desc         - data description (from the original form)
          cm_form_explore      - form explore (form the original form)
          number_of_iterations - max number of iterations

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success
Build and run program, save to repository

Input:  {
          caller_module_uid       - caller module UID
          state                   - pipeline state
          exploration_scenario    - exploration scenario parameters
            work_repo_uoa         - repository to save results

          summary_point           - summary dimensions describing aggregated point
          aggregated_entry        - all aggregated points
          space                   - if aggregated, current space
          original_input          - to get other additional forms per scenario
          cm_data_desc            - data description (from the original form)
          cm_form_explore         - form explore (form the original form)
          number_of_iterations    - max number of iterations
          mobile_mode             - 'build' or 'process' - mode during crowdsourcing auto-tuning using mobiles
          copy_built_executables  - if 'yes', copy all built executables to a_<UID>.out,
      state to a_<UID>.json and space to ct_space.json

          (new_src_uoa)                   - new src UOA in tmp repository
          (new_src_path)                  - new src path
          (measured_frequency)            - measured frequency (if supported)
          (execution_info)                - list of list of execution times per binary - 1 coarse-grain exploration step
          (execution_info_min)            - list of minimal execution times per 1 coarse-grain exploration step
          (execution_info_ct_repeat_main) - CT_REPEAT_MAIN got during calibration
          (built_files)                   - list of unique built files (with UIDs)

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success
Extract program MILEPOST static properties (features), save to repository

Input:  {
          caller_module_uid    - caller module UID
          state                - pipeline state
          exploration_scenario - exploraiton scenario parameters
          summary_point        - summary dimensions describing aggregated point
          aggregated_entry     - all aggregated points
          space                - if aggregated, current space
          original_input       - to get other additional forms per scenario
          cm_data_desc         - data description (from the original form)
          cm_form_explore      - form explore (form the original form)
          number_of_iterations - max number of iterations

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success

Definition at line 26 of file module.py.

def module::scenarios (   i  ) 
Show cM web scenarios

Input:  {
          cm_submenu - scenario sub menu

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 54 of file module.py.

def module::search (   i  ) 

Input:  {
          (repo_selection)        - list of repo UOA to prune search
          (module_selection)      - list of module UOA to prune search

          (key_X)                 - key to search (if use_flat_array=='yes', key should be in "flat array" format)
          (value_X)               - value to search (find this occurance in the string)

          (cm_es_string)          - ElasticSearch string

          (use_internal_search)   - if 'yes', do not use ElasticSearch
          (use_flat_array)        - if 'yes', keys should be in "flat array" format 
                                        flat array is needed to access directly any key in dictionary hierarchy

                                        flat array format examples:
                                          {"x":{"y":"z"}} - "##x#y"="z"
                                          {"x":["y","z"]} - "##x@0"="y", "##x@1"="z"

          (show_search_progress)  - if 'yes', show search progress

          (timeout)               - timeout in seconds for internal slow search
          (strict_match)          - if 'yes', use strict match (in internal search)

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          all        - list with description of entries returned by search
                  cm_repo_uoa           - Found entry's repository UOA (UID or alias)
                  cm_repo_uid           - Found entry's repository UID
                  cm_module_uoa         - Found entry's module UOA (UID or alias)
                  cm_module_uid         - Found entry's module UID
                  cm_data_uoa           - Found entry's UOA (UID or alias)
                  cm_data_uid           - Found entry's UID
                  (cm_display_as_alias) - Fodun entry's user-friendly alias for printing

Input:  {
          cm_es_string   - simple search
          cm_es_query    - elastic search query
          (cm_index_uoa) - index configuration
          (size)         - limit return array

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          cm_array   - array of UIDs

Definition at line 692 of file module.py.

def module::select (   i  ) 
Select from the choice

Input:  {
          cm_choices              - TODO: describe format, see ct-compiler gcc-4.6.2
          cm_exploration_strategy - random
          (choice_rnd_seed)       - random seed
          (cm_choice)             - previous cm_choice state (can be updated using various methods including probabilistic)

Output: {
          cm_return - return code = 0, if successful

Definition at line 89 of file module.py.

def module::separate_common_from_data (   i  ) 
Separate common variables from data entry

Input:  {
          cm_array1 - array with data from entry
          cm_array2 - array where common data will be moved
          cm_key    - key to remove

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 4179 of file module.py.

def module::server (   i  ) 
Index Server

Input:  {
          (cm_index_uoa)  - uoa with description of indexer
          (os_uoa)        - uoa with OS description (needed for script extension, for example)
          (cm_index_port) - web port

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
Simple Web Server

Input:  {
          cm_web_port  - web port

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 3150 of file module.py.

def module::set_cpu_frequency (   i  ) 
Set CPU frequency

Input:  {
          (host_os_uoa)        - host OS on which cM is running to detect which scripts to use for detection. 
                                 If not set, the default one is taken from cM configuration.

          (target_os_uoa)      - target OS to detect. If =='', host OS is used
          frequency            - frequency
          (use_sudo)           - if 'yes', use SUDO

Output: {
          cm_return - return code = 0, if successful

          system_state         - [windows]

Definition at line 910 of file module.py.

def module::set_env (   i  ) 
Set environment for a given code

Input:  {
          input_key  - key with code_uoa

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code = 0, if successful
          os_env     - OS environment from the code

Definition at line 842 of file module.py.

def module::share (   i  ) 
Check out repository if it is shared

Input:  {
          cm_command    - explicit command for sharing tool 'co' or 'commit'
          (cm_repo_uoa) - repository UOA; if empty, update all repositories that are shared
Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 441 of file module.py.

def module::show (   i  ) 
Show file from the repository or tmp directory.
Only web preprocess!

Input:  {
          cm_web_filename                 - file to show
          (cm_web_content)                - extension known by cM to prepare html header.
                                            If not set, this function will try to detect
                                            it from the cm_web_filename extension
          (cm_module_uoa and cm_data_uoa) - entry to take file from. 
                                            If not set, file is taken from the temporary directory
          (cm_repo_uoa)                   - repo UOA

Output: {
          cm_return             - return code >0 if error
          cm_web_headers        - web headers
          cm_web_postprocess=no - force cM not to postprocess


Definition at line 3676 of file module.py.

def module::show_html (   i  ) 
Show file from the repository or tmp directory.

Input:  {
          cm_web_filename                 - file to show
          (cm_web_content)                - extension known by cM to prepare html header.
                                            If not set, this function will try to detect
                                            it from the cm_web_filename extension
          (cm_module_uoa and cm_data_uoa) - entry to take file from. 
                                            If not set, file is taken from the temporary directory

Output: {
          cm_return             - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 3763 of file module.py.

def module::show_legend (   i  ) 
Show legend for pipeline

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return         - if =0, success

Definition at line 3586 of file module.py.

def module::temporaly_allow_writing_in_kernel (   i  ) 
Temporally allow writing in kernel

Input:  {
          cm_filename - filename with full path to the current kernel configuration
          cm_array    - current configuration array

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 3319 of file module.py.

def module::test (   i  ) 
Test index server

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 220 of file module.py.

def module::test_repository (   i  ) 
Test repository (mainly remote access)
It just try to load tmp:tmp and returns ok, if it exists or not found,
thus meaning that the structure of repository/access is fine

Input:  {
          test_repo_uoa - repo UOA

          ...           - various additional parameters 
                          (for example, for authentication)

Output: {
          cm_return     - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 298 of file module.py.

def module::unregister_func (   i  ) 
Unregister function (action) in a module

Input:  {
          cm_run_module_uoa - module UOA
          (cm_common_func)  - if ='true', then the module is called from some other module
          (func)            - new function name

Output: {
          cm_return - 0

Definition at line 275 of file module.py.

def module::update_data (   i  ) 
Update data

Input:  {
          cm_run_module_uoa | cm_module_uoa - module UOA
          cm_data_uoa                       - data UOA 
          (cm_data_uid)                     - force data UID (if UOA is alias)
          (cm_repo_uoa)                     - repo UOA
          (cm_console)                      - by default, do not output anything except errors
                                              if 'txt' then output as plain text
                                              if 'web' then output for web (html, image, etc)
                                              if 'json' then output as json
          cm_array                          - use ONLY this array to update data
          (cm_skip_update_info)             - if yes, do not write 'cm_updated'
          (cm_update_only_index)            - update only index

          (cm_file_upload)                  - text content of file for upload
          (cm_file_upload_base64)           - file content as base64.urlsafe_b64encode
          (cm_file_upload_name)             - preffered uploaded file name 
          (cm_file_upload_type)             - type of file (if .zip, it will be automatically unziped)
          (cm_archive)                      - 'none'
                                              'already_archived_with_internal_name' - should save file 
                                                under default cM name (cm_archive.zip)
                                              'already_archived_with_user_name' - should save file under user name

          (cm_file_upload_tmp_uid)          - normally generated automatically by web server
                                              when uploading files

          (cm_add_default)                  - if 'yes', add default params from descriptions (module/kernel)
          (cm_description)                  - description of the data entry
          (cm_display_as_alias)             - user readable alias to display instead of module:data

          (cm_note)                         - note about this data entry
          (cm_like)                         - if 'yes' add +1 for this user to the entry

          ...                               - data to add to the repository if not set 'cm_array'

          (lock_uid)                        - UID of the aquired lock

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
                                   -1 if entry exists
          cm_path    - path to created data entry
          cm_uid     - uid (from UOA)
          cm_alias   - alias (from UOA)
          cm_uoa     - alias or uid if alias==''
Update repository

Input:  {

Output: {
Input:  {

Output: {

Definition at line 171 of file module.py.

def module::update_default_kernel_data (   i  ) 
Update default kernel data

Input:  {
          cm_array             - data to update
Output: {
          cm_return            - return code = 0, if successful
                                             < 0, if error
                                                  32 - lock acquired by someone else
          (cm_error)           - error text if return code > 0

Definition at line 3504 of file module.py.

def module::update_input_from_state_ll (   ii,
  execute = False 
Update input from state

Input:  {

Output: {

Definition at line 1889 of file module.py.

def module::view_ctuning_space (   i  ) 
View cTuning space entry

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return          - if =0, success

Definition at line 1392 of file module.py.

def module::view_data (   i  ) 
View data

Input:  {
          cm_module_uoa   - module UOA
          cm_data_uoa     - data UOA 
          (cm_repo_uoa)   - repo UOA
          (cm_console)    - by default, do not output anything except errors
                            if 'txt' then output as plain text
                            if 'web' then output for web (html, image, etc)
                            if 'json' then output as json
          (cm_back)       - for back button

Output: {
          cm_return   - return code >0 if error
                                    -1 if entry exists
          cm_path     - path to data entry
          cm_uid      - uid (from UOA)
          cm_alias    - alias (from UOA)
          cm_data_obj - cM data obj (cm_data_obj['cfg'] - data entry json)

Definition at line 1200 of file module.py.

def module::view_data_through_web (   i  ) 
View data through web

Input:  {
          browse_module_uoa  - module UOA
          browse_data_uoa    - data UOA 
          (browse_repo_uoa)  - repo UOA
          (cm_back_json)     - for back button

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
                                   -1 if entry exists
          cm_path    - path to created data entry
          cm_uid     - uid (from UOA)
          cm_alias   - alias (from UOA)

Definition at line 843 of file module.py.

def module::view_stats (   i  ) 
View cM statistics (through web)

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 314 of file module.py.

def module::visualize (   i  ) 
Plotting graphs through web

TBD: FGG: this function has to be fully rewritten using standard cM
          data description modules (it was the first prototype with
          old cM)

Input:  {
          TODO: describe all variables

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 24 of file module.py.

def module::visualize_connections (   i  ) 
Detect parameters in web forms 

Input:  {
          cm_show_only_graph - if 'yes', show only graph and skip all the rest
          cm_width           - graph width
          cm_height          - graph height

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          cm_array   - parsed array with keys
          cm_actions - parsed array with commands

Definition at line 71 of file module.py.

def module::visualize_data (   i  ) 
Visualize data entry (with recursion)

Input:  {
          cm_array                  - array to visualize
          (cm_array_orig)           - original array (not changing through the calls)
          (cm_data_desc)            - data description for visualization (always first level)
          (cm_desc_state)           - previous description in hierarchies
          (cm_form_commands)        - form commands
          (cm_form_explore)         - form explore parameters
          (cm_form_explore_color)   - prefix for style
          cm_separator              - appendable separator to deal with array hierarchy 
                                      (full - can reproduce hierarchy)
          cm_separator_form         - appendable separator to deal with array hierarchy 
                                      (full and with additional forms to deal with commands)
          (cm_separator_desc)       - appendable separator to deal with array hierarchy in descriptions
                                      (reduced - for example list number is skipped)
          (cm_mode)                 - 'add' or 'update'
          (cm_back_json)            - data to create back button
          (show_param_names)        - if =='on' show parameter names
          (cm_forms_exists)         - if 'yes', processing through forms (to avoid reinit of default vars)
          (cm_support_raw_edit)     - if 'yes', add check button to allow raw edit
          (cm_raw_edit)             - if 'on', raw edit
          (cm_explore)              - if 'yes', prepare exploration choices
          (cm_explore_commands)     - array with exploration commands
          (cm_explore_state)        - {} array with choices and exploration state
          (cm_explore_level)        - exploration level ('' - coarse-grain, '1' - next level, ...)
          (hide_add_new_object)     - if 'yes', do not show 'add new object'
          (ignore_desc_expand)      - if 'yes', ignore data description expansion from other sources
                                      (otherwise can be very slow for viewing)

Output: {
          cm_return        - return code >0 if error
          cm_string        - html string 
          cm_array         - updated array to visualize
          cm_explore_state - updated explore state
          cm_data_desc     - updated data description

Definition at line 1732 of file module.py.

def module::visualize_selection (   i  ) 
Prepare graph data and call graph engine

Input:  {
          ct_module_uoa                    - module to visualize
          ct_data_selection                - list of ctuning.space data
          ct_axes                          - axes
          ct_graph_type                    - graph engine
          ct_axes_desc                     - axes description
          (url)                            - starting url of cM
          (save_graph)                     - if 'yes', save graph
          (cm_file_ext)                    - file extension if save_graph=='yes'
          (reproduce_save_graph)           - data to reproduce graph for saving
          (use_multiple_graphs)            - if 'on' separate entries into different sub-graphs
          (convert_text_axes_to_float)     - convert text axes to consequitive floats
          (mpl_extra_params)               - if python mat plot is used, this dictionary has extra params
                                                mpl_image_size_x - image X size in inch
                                                mpl_image_size_y - image Y size in inch
                                                mpl_image_dpi    - image DPI
                                                mpl_detach_graph - if 'on', detach graph
          (data_entry_to_sort)             - if sort and multiple entries, use this entry number to sort (-1)
          (fix_additional_dimensions)      - if 'yes', fix or range additional dimensions
          (fix_additional_dimensions_data) - dictionary of format:
                                               {"flattened key A":{'less':X, 'equal':Y, 'more':Z}, ...}


Output: {
          cm_return             - return code >0 if error

          data to save graph, if save_graph=='yes'

Definition at line 702 of file module.py.

def module::web_build (   i  ) 
Build program through web

Input:  See build(i)
Output: See build(i)

Definition at line 584 of file module.py.

def module::web_configure (   i  ) 
Configure some modules and params through web

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return       - return code >0 if not authentificated

Definition at line 3049 of file module.py.

def module::web_copy (   i  ) 
Copy repository to another one (and clean target if needed)

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
          cm_path    - path to file
          cm_uid     - generated uid

Definition at line 858 of file module.py.

def module::web_detect (   i  ) 
Detect system properties through Web

Input:  See detect(i)
Output: See detect(i)

Definition at line 619 of file module.py.

def module::web_explore (   i  ) 
Explore pipeline choices through web

Input:  TBD
Output: TBD

Definition at line 2408 of file module.py.

def module::web_install (   i  ) 
Install cM package/library

When searching for already installed code, dependencies are checked
 * using classes for packages (to allow reuse of packages)
 * by exact code_uoa for code.source (to have exact build setup)

FGG: the checks are a bit ugly and were done in a rush. 
     Should be simplified, cleaned up and unified one day.

Input:  {
          package_data_uoa              - UOA of package to install
          (package_repo_uoa)            - repo of the package
          package_host_os_uoa           - UOA of host OS (to set up script execution)

          (install_data_uid)            - UID of the code where package will be installed
                                          if install_data_uid=='' it will be randomly generated
          (install_data_alias)          - use this alias for a generated entry

            If package should be built:
          build_target_os_uoa           - target OS uoa for building
          (code_deps)                   - list with code UOA for dependencies [{"index":"uoa"} ...]
          (run_target_processor_uoa)    - target processor UOA (not strictly needed - can add some helper parameters before executing code)
          (run_set_env2)                - array with environment variables to be set before executable
          (add_rem_to_script)           - add rem to install script
          (skip_extract_and_build)      - if 'yes', skip copy, extract and build (by setting CM_SKIP_BUILD=yes)

Output: {
          cm_return - return code = 0, if successful

          Output from 'code install'

Definition at line 256 of file module.py.

def module::web_run (   i  ) 
Run pipeline through web

Input:  See run(i)
Output: See run(i)

Definition at line 1913 of file module.py.

def module::web_view (   i  ) 
View aggregated experimental results

Input:  {
          (web_title)                      - web title to substitute default
          (calculate_program_similarities) - if 'yes', calculate distance from programs based on properties
          (program_features)               - use it to calcluate distance

          (pruning_similar_programs)       - direct pruning parameters
          (number_of_returned_items)       - number of returned items

Output: {
          cm_return                              - if =0, success
          (similar_programs)                     - list of similar programs (if not web)
          (similar_programs_points)              - generated point per similar program (if not web)
          (similar_programs_points_improvements) - generated improvements for points per similar program (if not web)

Definition at line 2750 of file module.py.

def module::web_view_data (   i  ) 
Prepare header

Input:  {
          cm_data        - data object from pipeline
          header_desc    - header description
          cur_line_style - { 
                             cur    - cur (style1 or style2)
          point          - point to visualize

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success
          cm_html     - header html
Prepare header

Input:  {
          cm_data        - data object from pipeline
          header_desc    - header description
          cur_line_style - { 
                             cur    - cur (style1 or style2)
          point          - point to visualize

Output: {
          cm_return          - if =0, success
          cm_html            - header html

          point              - all values for the point
          point_improvements - all available improvements for the point

Definition at line 359 of file module.py.

def module::web_view_header (   i  ) 
Prepare header

Input:  {
          header_desc - header description

Output: {
          cm_return   - if =0, success
          cm_html     - header html
          cm_length   - header length

Definition at line 284 of file module.py.

def module::welcome (   i  ) 
Welcome page
TBD: should check if the version is up-to-date + development News ...

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error
Custom welcome page

Input:  {

Output: {
          cm_return  - return code >0 if error

Definition at line 21 of file module.py.

Variable Documentation

string module::cm_action_index = 'index'

Definition at line 33 of file module.py.

string module::cm_action_show = 'show'

Definition at line 34 of file module.py.

string module::cm_data_uoa_default = 'default'

Definition at line 35 of file module.py.

Definition at line 12 of file module.py.

string module::cm_menu_login = 'login'

Definition at line 30 of file module.py.

string module::cm_menu_logout = 'logout'

Definition at line 31 of file module.py.

list module::d = {}

Definition at line 816 of file module.py.

tuple module::diter = int(space.get('number_of_explored_points','0'))

Definition at line 762 of file module.py.

string module::form6 = '#form6'

Definition at line 40 of file module.py.

module::ii = {}

Definition at line 818 of file module.py.

Referenced by org::openme::openme::remote_access().

tuple module::ii_copy = copy.deepcopy(ii)

Definition at line 823 of file module.py.

dictionary module::ini = {}

Definition at line 11 of file module.py.

def module::init = state[pu['init']]

Definition at line 858 of file module.py.

list module::ip = state[pu['init_params']]

Definition at line 862 of file module.py.

dictionary module::jj
Initial value:

Definition at line 765 of file module.py.

tuple module::jj_copy = copy.deepcopy(jj)

Definition at line 779 of file module.py.

list module::lock_uid = ''

Definition at line 815 of file module.py.

list module::pd = state[pu['prepare_dataset']]

Definition at line 870 of file module.py.

save_only_best_results_in_repo Record in repository

Definition at line 758 of file module.py.

list module::rp = state[pu['run_program']]

Definition at line 866 of file module.py.

dictionary module::rr = {'cm_return':0}

Definition at line 850 of file module.py.

list module::su = cm_kernel.ini['dcfg']

Definition at line 810 of file module.py.

string module::view_and_sort = 'cm_display_html'

Definition at line 38 of file module.py.

Generated on Wed May 28 02:49:03 2014 for Collective Mind Framework by DoxyGen 1.6.1
Concept, design and coordination: Grigori Fursin (C) 1993-2013