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PyQRNative.py File Reference

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class  PyQRNative::QR8bitByte
class  PyQRNative::QRCode
class  PyQRNative::QRMode
class  PyQRNative::QRErrorCorrectLevel
class  PyQRNative::QRMaskPattern
class  PyQRNative::QRUtil
class  PyQRNative::QRMath
class  PyQRNative::QRPolynomial
class  PyQRNative::QRRSBlock
class  PyQRNative::QRBitBuffer


namespace  PyQRNative


list PyQRNative::EXP_TABLE = [x for x in range(256)]
list PyQRNative::LOG_TABLE = [x for x in range(256)]

Generated on Wed May 28 02:49:02 2014 for Collective Mind Framework by DoxyGen 1.6.1
Concept, design and coordination: Grigori Fursin (C) 1993-2013